Sunday, 4 July 2021

Ngati Te Ika Chiefs assisted Ihaia Kirikumara - An account by Wiremu Kingi Korowhiti Sept 1858

This letter goes to the Maori Messenger of New Zealand located in Wellington.   Sharing the thoughts in my heart to my relatives, living both above and below the north coast of our  island.  If you do wrong, laugh at it, you know otherwise, do it.

On my first visit to Ihaia's dispute - Eruini died there.  This man has many iwi affilliations.



He tangi - A Lament by Te Mamanga (aka. Numanga) of Ngati Maru - with translation by Dr Raukura Roa.

We are fortunate to have this moteatea by a tupuna of our own Iwi and equally  fortunate for the translation by Dr Raukura Roa who included ...